CHINO, CA 91710

PEP Club General Meeting Minutes

 Date:  Monday, January 13th | Time 4:35 pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Student Union

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Marie Biado, Ivette Tello, Jeanette Phillips, Anissa Buccola, Diane Welch, Stephanie Perluss, Lisa Lawrence, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Victoria Monterroso, Valen Rocha, Karen Lang, Joanne Aquino, Rosemary Thompson, Michelle Sandoval, Hannah Hernandez, Charlie White

  • Approval of Minutes

    • Meeting minutes from 11/11/2024 approved as written.

      • 1st motion by Teri H

      • 2nd motion by Stephanie Perluss

  • Staff Update                                                                    

    • Two Interim Principals

      • Yvette Farley

      • Julie Fromdahl

  • Treasurer’s Report - Marie Biado

    • Bank

      • Beginning balance 11/01/2024 $55,626.81

      • End balance 11/29/2024 $47,551.00

      • Beginning balance 11/30/2024 $47,551.00

      • End balance 12/31/2024 $50,473.23

  • Open Forum

    •  Teri Hargrove – Library decorations to be updated with pompom and Anissa to assist with updating bulletin board

    • Teri Hargrove – Paint Night cancelled as it was originally re- scheduled to Jan but after consideration because it’s after the holiday turn out may be low, canceled.

    • Teri Hargrove – sibling registration for kindergarten is open with a Kinder Bootcamp set for April 24th 5-6pm

    • Stephanie Perluss – Family Fun Nights

      • November FFN

        • Yogurtland: $280 plus an additional $500 for winning the contest

        • Lucille’s $399.18

      • Next FFN January 28th @ Straw Hat Pizza

    • Teri Hargrove – Kindness Week “Kindness Moves Jan 27th-31st

      • Each day of the week will be a different theme and will also have a contest taking on donations

    • Teri Hargrove – Someone Special Dance Feb 7th 6-730pm

    • Jennifer Hargrove – needs a Bluetooth device to allow for playing music for the students versus always utilizing her personal phone

    • Christine Butorac – the paper cutters need to be replaced, need to ask Angie or can PEP pay for the replacements

    • Teri Hargrove – sprinklers need to be replaced but need assistance from the district Teri working through getting that assistance

Next Meeting

Monday, February 3rd, 2025

4:30pm, Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:38pm

Lisa Lawrence, Secretary



CHINO, CA 91710

PEP Club General Meeting Minutes

 Date:  Monday, November 11th, 2024 | Time 4:35 pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Student Union

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Marie Biado, Jeanette Phillips, Sabrina Gonzalez, Traci Chun, Diane Welch, Stephanie Perluss, Lisa Lawrence, Christine Butorac, Victoria Monterroso, Allison Daniel, Brandi Mitchell, Kevin Mitchell, Karen Lang, Michelle Sandoval, Charlie White, Hannah Hernandez

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 10/14/2024 approved as written.

  • 1st motion by Teri H

  • 2nd motion by Traci Chun

  • Approved

Chancellor’s Report – Allison Daniels                       

-Report Cards went out/Awards ceremonies

Treasurer’s Report - Marie Biado


  • Beginning balance 10/01/2024 $76,511.47

  • End balance 10/30/2024 $55,626.81

Open Forum

  • Teri H. – Paint Night cancelled due to lack of participation.

    • Next Paint Night January 2025

  • Karen – Camp Recap

    • 124 students attended camp.

    • Send out this year’s camp video to 5th grade classes.

  • Teri H – Gardening, maintenance is increasing to $120 a month

    • Sprinklers to be checked as everything is dry and hard

  • Teri H –Walkie Talkies have been ordered and should arrive mid-December

  • Teri H – Holiday Boutique Dec 9th - 13th

    • 11 vendors, all items under $5

    • No outside products

    • Tuesday evening opening to allow parents to purchase higher priced items with students

  • Teri H – Fence Cups & Social Media Signs

    • Some fence cups missing due to the recent high winds to be replaced as needed

    • Similar situation with social media signs damaged due to high winds will also be replaced.

  • Teri H – Veterans Day Recap, the different branch flags were an addition this year which made for a nice backdrop

  • Teri H – Book Fair going with Scholastic

    • Scholastic dollars to go toward teachers.

  • Stephanie – Family Fun Night @ Red Robbin earnings $427.29

  • Teri H – Student Store

  • Scholars to use their scholarship slips to purchase items.

    • Parent volunteers needed to assist during lunch.

  • Traci C – The new cashier terminals have arrived.

Next Meeting

Monday, January 13th, 2025

4:30pm, Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:26pm

Lisa Lawrence, Secretary



CHINO, CA 91710

PEP Club General Meeting Minutes

Date:  Monday, October 14th, 2024 | Time 4:35 pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Student Union

Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Marie Biado, Ivette Tello,Jeanette Phillips, Anissa Buccola, Sabrina Gonzalez, Traci Chun, Gina Maldonado, Hoda Aguirre, Diane Welch, Stephanie Perluss, Lisa Lawrence, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Victoria Monterroso, Lorena Glaven, Allison Daniel, Brandi Mitchell, Kevin Mitchell, Valen Rocha, Karen Lang, Rachel Halko, Joanne Aquino, Rosemary Thompson

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 09/09/2024 approved as written.

  • 1st motion by Teri H

  • 2nd motion by Traci Chun

Chancellor’s Report – Allison Daniels                       

-Hiring of 3 Playground Supervisors to assist the kids with structured play

Treasurer’s Report - Marie Biado


  • Beginning balance 09/01/2024 $61,430.87

  • End balance 09/30/2024 $76,511.47


Open Forum

  • Hoda Aguirre – Scholastic Book Fair sold $15,323.88 books/supplies, in the Spring we will utilize Literati

    • The scholastic cash approx. $2,000 will be utilized for the teachers.

    • We will be utilizing the cash option for % of profits from Scholastic.

  • Jennifer Hargrove – STEAM Night great turnout, no issues, Chino High School would love to join us in all events.

  • Traci Chun – we have 1 broken register stand and will cost $150 to replace but IPADs are out of date and won’t support new register. So we would also have to purchase new IPADs approx. $400. Upon further investigation Square which is also a register solution and smaller form factor would cost approx.. $300 for the whole unit.

    • Motion to purchase Square registers

    • 1st motion Jeanette Philips

    • 2nd motion Stephanie Perluss

  • Teri Hargrove – Haunted Ringo we have sold 260 tickets and will need volunteers to assist with the families.

  • Gina Maldonado – Family Fun Nights

    • September FFN was a great success

    • The Stand: $747

    • Rocky Mountain $228, doubled their revenue for the night

    • CPK $177

    • volunteers are needed for Oct. 22 Red Robin event and the sign up sheet will be distributed after the meeting which will also include the Lucille’s/Yogurtland event as well.

  • Jennifer Hargrove – Veterans Day Event mentioned 6th grade will not be in attendance as they will be on their annual camping trip. Volunteers will be needed for setup and breakdown, scholars will sing God Bless America which they have been practicing.

  • Traci Chun – University shirts had some issues but are being corrected. Next year, university shirts will be sold during Meet Your Professor Morning. Vendor will also work with Traci to update university logos as well. This year we have doubled the purchase of university shirts.

  • Teri Hargrove – Walkie Talkies, working with the district office to purchase walkie talkies that would be on the same channel as those at the district office. There are some questions going out to the district in regards these walkie talkies being licenses on the same FCC license as those at the district office, per vendor the newer model will be coming out in Jan and those would be the ones we prefer. Each classroom would get a walkie talkie and would be added as part of the Safety Plan for the school.

    • Motion to purchase Walkie Talkies

      • 1st motion Marie Biado

      • 2nd motion Gina Maldonado

      • Opposed Marie Biado

Next Meeting

Monday, November 18th, 2024

4:30pm, Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:50pm

Lisa Lawrence, Secretary

  Date:  Monday, August 12th, 2024 | Time 4:35 pm | Edwin Rhodes Elementary Student Union

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Marie Biado, Charlie White, Ivette Tello,Jeanette Phillips, Anissa Buccola, Sabrina Gonzalez, Chloe Wong, Traci Chun, Gina Maldonado, Hoda Aguirre, Diane Welch, Stephanie Perluss, Lisa Lawrence, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Stacy Clevenger, Victoria Monterroso, Lorena Glaven, Allison Daniel, Hannah Hernandez, Michelle Sandoval, Jessica Shanahan, Brandi Mitchell, Kevin Mitchell, Valen Rocha, Sharon Edwards, Nicole Salazar, Karen Lang

Chancellor’s Report – Allison Daniels


Treasurer’s Report - Marie Biado

--Fiscal year is July to July budget is a rollover from last year

-Apex Fundraiser:  Goal is to raise $80,000

-New categories added to the budget “Campus/Custodian Maintenance.”

-This will be the 1st year we will be check free with the bank

Open Forum

-Teri H. Motion to purchase Rhodes Backdrop with frame setup $295

            -1st motion Stephanie P

            -2nd motion Traci C.

-Teri H. motion to purchase Rhodes E-Z Up with logo approx. $570

            -1st motion Traci C.

            -2nd motion Marie B

-Spirit wear:  Traci said flyers for University shirt purchases have gone out as of Friday, August 8th. Spirit wear will be sold at events held on campus this 24-25 school year

-Book Fair:  Hoda A. mentioned will be held September 30th-October 4th

-Teri H. went over the Calendar of Events, Rhodes Glossary, and history of Rhodes. Future Pep  Club Meetings will be held in the Bookery

-Jennifer H. mentioned that Quakes Game tickets are on sale with 32 sold and 100 reserved.

-University Parent Tea will be held on Thursday, August 29th

-Art Masters Parent Mtg. will be held on Thursday, September 5th

-The main Fall Fundraiser will be APEX  Fundraiser where Scholars will learn about “Leadership” Volunteers needed for APEX Fun Run

-PEP Club will need volunteers to give out homework passes at the first Family Fun Night, at Raising Cane’s on Tuesday 08/27.

-Rhodes is still a Latex Free campus

-Sabrina mentioned volunteers are needed for the fence cups

Next Meeting

Monday, September 9th, 2024 @ 4:30pm, Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:49pm

Lisa Lawrence, Secretary


 PEP Club General Meeting Minutes

 Date:  Monday, August 14, 2023 | Time 4:36pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Student Union

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Jonell Fox, Kelly Kwock, Marie Biado, Joanne Aquino, Charlie White, Sarah Sanchez, Ivette Tello, Jamie Knecht, Jeanette Phillips, Anissa Buccola, Sabrina Gonzalez, Chloe Wong, Aura Phung, Cynthia Magana, Traci Chun, Gina Maldonado, Hoda Aguirre, Diane Welch, Stephanie Perluss, Lisa Lawrence, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Dr. Molly Large.

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 07/31/23 approved as written.

·         1st motion by Teri H.

·         2nd motion by Jonell F.

Chancellor’s Report – Dr. Large                                 

-The Kids’ Heart Challenge fundraiser will be on 04/09 to 04/26.  The top fundraisers will get to dump colors on Dr. Large, as their prize.

Treasurer’s Report

-Bank beginning balance on 07/01/2023:  $47,966.83

-Ending balance on 07/31/23:  $28,330.97

-Marie B. asked for receipts to be emailed to her promptly, by those using the PEP Club debit card.

-6th grade Science Camp:  90 (ninety) student spots will be guaranteed.  The total payment of $35,000.00 is due on the second week of October.

-PEP Club Board approved Marie’s request to change the accounting software to Quickbooks.

 Open Forum

-Spirit wear:  Jamie K. said flyers for University shirt purchases will be available to parents on Back to School Night, Tuesday 08/22.

-Book Fair:  Hoda A. mentioned our new vendor will be Literati, and the Fall Book Fair will be on 11/06 to 11/10.  On Tuesday, 11/07 there will be a combination of Book Fair and S.T.E.A.M. Night on campus.

-Teri H. went over the Calendar of Events.  Some events might be free this year, depending on the amount of funds raised.  (The Title I funds will help alleviate the costs PEP Club had to pay for events).

-Ontario Reign hockey game is a new event this year.  Families donate money to chuck a hockey puck during the 2nd and 3rd periods of the game.  Rhodes will have to sell 125 (one hundred and twenty-five) tickets at $18.00 each.

-McTeacher night will be held on 02/28/24 at the McDonald’s on Central Avenue.

-The main Fall Fundraiser will be Raise Craze, where students perform acts of kindness and ask for direct donations toward their accounts.  There is a checklist and upon completion, those acts can be added to the students’ profiles.

-The first Saturday School / S.T.E.A.M. expanded learning day will be on 09/30.

-The October Family Fun Night will be at Red Robin (10/24).

-On Back to School Night, if parents show on their phones that they follow Rhodes on social media, they will get a homework pass.

-PEP Club will need volunteers to give out homework passes at the first Family Fun Night, at Raising Cane’s on Tuesday 08/29.

-The Volunteer training is now digital; parents can watch a video online and fill out the Google form at the end to be certified.

Next Meeting

Monday, September 11th, 2023

4:30pm, Rhodes Student Union

Meeting was adjourned 5:32pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary


PEP Club General Meeting Minutes

 Date:  Monday, September 11, 2023 | Time 4:33pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Bookery

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Jonell Fox, Kelly Kwock, Marie Biado, Joanne Aquino, Charlie White, Sarah Sanchez, Ivette Tello, Jamie Knecht, Jeanette Phillips, Anissa Buccola, Hannah Hernandez, Sabrina Gonzalez, Aura Phung, Traci Chun, Gina Maldonado, Hoda Aguirre, Crystal Gibbs, Diane Welch, Stephanie Perluss, Lisa Lawrence, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Christina Banks, Karen Lang, Michelle Sandoval, Dr. Molly Large.

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 08/14/23 approved as written.

·         1st motion by Jonell F.

·         2nd motion by Marie B.

Chancellor’s Report – Dr. Large                                 

-Dr. Large is putting together the Title I budget.  She also estimated that 4 (four) students may have to be sponsored by PEP Club to attend the 6th grade Science Camp.  She is looking forward to the Raise Craze Fundraiser.

Treasurer’s Report

-Bank beginning balance on 08/01/2023:  $28,330.97

-Ending balance on 08/31/23:  $47,396.55

-Marie B. stated that recently, some parents have disputed charges made on the PEP Club website.  Kelly K. added that the reimbursement/refund policy needs to be revised, so that parents can email PEP Club directly and request a refund, rather than open a dispute through the bank. 

 Open Forum

-Unversity Parent Tea update:  Hannah H. said that all teachers have an University Parent, except for one (Mrs. Rabins).  Expenses for the Tea were cut this year, as far as food purchased.

-Art Masters Tea update:  Sarah S. mentioned that 3 (three) classes still don’t have an Art Parent.  She asked those teachers to reach out to parents during Conference week.

-Book Fair update:  Hoda A. stated that the Book Fair with Literati is set to come to campus on the week of 11/06. 

-Spirit wear update:  Jamie K. reported that 530 (five hundred thirty) University shirts have been ordered online.  She also let the teachers present know that some of the University logos may have changed a little, this year.

-Sixth grade Science Camp:  30 (thirty) students will not attend Camp this year.  82 (eighty-two) have registered, and most have paid the total amount.  *This number includes the students that will be sponsored by PEP Club.  Mrs. Purdy will stay back at Rhodes with the 30 students and they will have a Literature Day Party in her classroom.

-Teri H. talked about STEAM Night.  Teachers will host booths with an activity related to Science, Art, or Technology.  There will be a Wienerschnitzel food truck, Kona Ice and funnel cake vendor on campus.

-Fall Fundraiser update:  Joanne A. said Raise Craze will start on Tuesday, 09/12 and run until 09/30.  Kids will perform acts of kindness at home, within their community, and at school.  There will be a Chalk Walk on Tuesday 09/19 at College Park and a school-wide event where kids can write a letter to CHOC staff.  At the kick-off assembly on Tuesday, students will be encouraged to send emails (5, 10, 20) in order to enter a raffle to win prizes:  a lava lamp, digital camera and inflatable gaming chair.  The top earners at our school could win a Kindness trophy, giant teddy bear, hover board, and their name would be displayed on the school marquee.  The top earning classes will get an In-n-Out party and everyone will enjoy a Foam party on Friday 09/29.  Top earning teachers will get a $50 gift card of their choice.  The goal is to raise $50,000.

-The cups in yellow and black colors have been purchased to spell out the words on the school fences.

-Teri H. demonstrated and explained how to fill out a deposit envelope and make a money drop into the safe, for future school events and field trips.  It is necessary to fill out the event name (Department), the name of the person making the deposit, date, and the amount in bill denominations.  For field trips, student names have to be checked off against the roster as payments are received.

-For University Parents and Art Masters, a supply requisition form needs to be filled out at the front office for construction paper.  It is then given to Angie or Maria for fulfillment.

-September’s Family Fun Night will be at Islands and Cookie Co., on Tuesday 09/26.

 Next Meeting

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

4:30pm, Rhodes Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:45pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary


PEP Club General Meeting Minutes

 Date:  Monday, October 02, 2023 | Time 4:35pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Bookery

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Jonell Fox, Kelly Kwock, Joanne Aquino, Charlie White, Jamie Knecht, Jeanette Phillips, Anissa Buccola, Hannah Hernandez, Sabrina Gonzalez, Traci Chun, Hoda Aguirre, Crystal Gibbs, Diane Welch, Chloe Wong, Lisa Lawrence, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Karen Lang, Michelle Sandoval.

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 09/11/23 approved as written.

·         1st motion by Hoda A.

·         2nd motion by Jeanette P.

Open Forum

- Fall Fundraiser update:  Joanne A. reported the grand total for Raise Craze was $44,448.00.  Our school will keep 92%, equaling $40,714.94.  The top fundraising classes were:  Jennifer Hargrove and Michelle Sandoval for the lower grades, and Mrs. Prado for the upper grades.  Hoda A. suggested we include a link to Raise Craze (or any other fundraiser) on the PEP Club website in the future, for parents who do not have a paper flyer.  Teri H. asked for help in passing out prizes to the students on Friday, 10/06 starting at 9:30am.

- University shirts update:  Jamie K. said Eastvale shirts will be delivering the shirts by Friday 10/06.

- The September Family Fun Night at Islands totaled $578.21.  The feedback from parents was that the restaurant was understaffed and the wait was long.  Compared to last year, the FFN at Islands raised less money than this year.  The October FFN will be at Panda Express and Crumbl Cookie.

- There is a need to replace the office couch, which is smelly, for approximately $500.

The majority voted to approve a new couch purchase for the office.

- Haunted RINGO will be held on Friday, 10/20 from 5:30 to 8:00pm.  There is a 240 people capacity.  Payment by VENMO or cash will be accepted.  Teri H. asked for help setting up on Thursday 10/19 after school.  The raffle prizes will be gift cards and toys.

- For Red Ribbon Week, Teri H. also asked for help setting up flags and ribbons on Sunday 10/22.  Student Council will have Spirit Days planned for the students.  There will be lunch activities and a ventriloquist will come to the assembly.

- During the month of October, on Tuesdays we will wear orange for anti-bullying.  On Wednesdays we will wear pink to promote breast cancer awareness.

- Holiday Boutique update:  there are currently 9 (nine) vendors signed up.  It will take place on the week of 12/04-08.  They asked if Rhodes could open on one night of that week for families to come shopping.  We are considering opening in the evening on Wednesday, 12/06.

- Joanne A. said we ended up with leftover rocks from the rock painting event on Saturday 09/30.  They were donated, and we will plan to reuse them during Kindness Week.

- Jennifer H. went over the Disneyland STEAM field trip planned for this year.  It will be on a Saturday, in February.  This time we will also have a choice to visit California Adventure for an engineering / story-telling and theme park design STEAM activity. 

- Book Fair update:  Hoda A. confirmed the dates of 11/06-09 for the Literati Book Fair.  In order to avoid theft this year, we will put up samples of small items on a board display so kids can point and ask to purchase.  We asked PEP members to donate small change and to offer kids a book first, rather than stationery.

Next Meeting

Monday, November 6th, 2023

4:30pm, Rhodes Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:34pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary


 Date:  Monday, November 06, 2023 | Time 4:35pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Student Union

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Jonell Fox, Kelly Kwock, Marie Biado, Joanne Aquino, Charlie White, Jamie Knecht, Jeanette Phillips, Hannah Hernandez, Ivette Tello, Sarah Sanchez, Sabrina Gonzalez, Traci Chun, Hoda Aguirre, Chloe Wong, Lisa Lawrence, Stephanie Perluss, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Karen Lang, Michelle Sandoval, Dr. Molly Large.

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 10/02/23 approved as written.

·         1st motion by Hoda A.

·         2nd motion by Jamie K.

Chancellor’s Report – Dr. Large

- Dr. Large received 800 (eight hundred) certificates from Panda Express for a free kids’ meal, after our Family Fun Night.  She plans to pass those out to students with perfect attendance for the whole month.  Pencils will also be given out monthly.  The class with the most students with perfect attendance will get an Iron Man trophy and donuts.

- For the 1st trimester awards, 152 (one hundred fifty-two) students had perfect attendance. 

- On the last Saturday School, 109 (one hundred and nine) absences were recovered.  The next Saturday School is planned for 12/02 and it coincides with a STEAM day themed “Winter Wonderland”.

 Treasurer’s Report

- Bank beginning balance on 10/01/2023:  $49,698.60

- Ending balance on 10/31/23:  $52,932.72

- November Family Fun Night:  Teri H. stated that purchase of the Ontario Reign hockey tickets would be available online only.  There is a limited number of tickets, so through the PEP website would be the only way we could track our sales.

Open Forum

- Book Fair update:  Hoda A. reported the Literati Book Fair was not off to a good start.  The books were outdated and they did not have popular titles.  In order to get more volunteers to work at the Book Fair, Hoda A. suggested the University Parents to send the link for the SignUp Genius to their class volunteers.  The Tuesday Night Book Fair will be from 5:00-8:00pm, along with STEAM Night.  Families and teachers will be running booths.  Homework passes will be passed out.  Hot Dog on a Stick and Kona Ice will be selling food.

- Veteran’s Day event:  Jennifer H. mentioned breakfast will be served from 7:30-8:00am to the veterans in the Student Union.  So far 23 (twenty-three) veterans have RSVP’ed.  At 8:00am there will be an all-school assembly where the students will escort their veteran down the aisle, and poems and songs will be performed.

- Karen L spoke about how 6th Grade Science Camp went this year.  Instead of 14 (fourteen) students to a cabin, there were only 9 (nine), which allowed more time for each student during events, like archery.  The weather was very good; Halloween week is the best time to go, because it’s not too cold yet.  She thanked PEP Club for sponsoring 2 ½ (two and a half) students with scholarships so they could go to Camp.  Because attendance was less this year, she suggested to show the video that Thousand Pines Camp made to the families during the 6th  Grade camp songs presentation.  And also to emphasize the fundraising options in April and May.

- November Family Fun Night:  Ontario Reign hockey game.  Tickets are $20; it is a two-hour game and during the 2nd and 3rd periods, anyone could buy pucks to chuck and win prizes.

- Our December PEP Club meeting will be a Christmas gathering rather than a general meeting.

- Upcoming December events:  12/09 will be the Kindergarten Holiday presentation.  12/04 to 12/08 will be the Holiday Boutique.

- Traci C. and Jamie K. asked PEP members for their thoughts on ordering adult-size spirit wear, such as women’s V-neck t-shirts and zip-ups, due to inquiries.  The majority of members agreed to order a small quantity of each.

Next Meeting

Monday, January 8th, 2024

4:30pm, Rhodes Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:36pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary


 Date:  Monday, January 06, 2024 | Time 4:36pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Bookery

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Kelly Kwock, Marie Biado, Joanne Aquino,  Jeanette Phillips, Hannah Hernandez, Ivette Tello, Sabrina Gonzalez, Traci Chun, Diane Welch, Chloe Wong, Lisa Lawrence, Stephanie Perluss, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Karen Lang, Michelle Sandoval, Dr. Molly Large, Alisa Richardson, Jessica Shanahan.

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 11/06/23 approved as written.

·         1st motion by Teri H.

·         2nd motion by Hannah H.

Chancellor’s Report – Dr. Large

- Dr. Large reported that Rhodes has been approved for school-wide Title I funds next year.  This means that subscriptions, licenses and many other things that PEP Club used to pay for, will now be covered.  The funds can only be spent on students; they cannot pay for supervision.  For some field trips that are aligned with curriculum, the bus transportation can be paid with Title I funds.  The amount for our school of 850-900 kids, averages out to $200,000.00 to $250,000.00 a year, in future years. There are some considerations for the spending of funds, such as hiring a math intervention teacher and personnel.  Dr. Large invited all present today to attend the School Site Council meeting this month, and give input and ideas on how to spend our Title I funds.

Treasurer’s Report

- Bank beginning balance on 12/01/2023:  $61,040.73

- Ending balance on 12/29/2023:  $60,034.97

- If the $25,000.00 for subscriptions can be paid with the Title I funds, there would be less pressure on the school to fundraise.

Open Forum

- Family Paint Night: this will be the first time Rhodes is hosting this event, on Friday 01/19, at 5:30pm.  The cost is $18.00 for teachers, and they can VENMO PEP Club directly.  There is no alcohol permitted and Purple Easel will cover everything (materials) else.  Families can bring snacks.

- January’s Family Fun Night will be at Red Robin, on Tuesday 01/30.

- Disneyland STEM field trip update:  Jennifer H. went over the details for this year’s field trip.  There are 20 (twenty) students from 3rd to 6th grades and 5 (five) parent chaperones signed up to go to Disneyland, which will offer the “theme park design” backstage experience. Unfortunately, not enough people signed up for the California Adventure STEM field trip this year.

- Teri H. asked for volunteers to put up “Rhodes Scholars” on the fence using the cups she purchased.

- The Someone Special Dance will be on Friday 02/09.  We are planning to have a photobooth and music will be played from a set list, rather than hire a D.J.  This year’s theme will be glow lights, with people wearing neon color clothes.

- Kindness Week (01/22-26):  Karen L. said there will be dress-up days, kids will be given “Choose Kindness” wristbands, activities will be held during lunch time, and the Chino Fire Department will come to the assembly on Tuesday 01/23.  Students will earn Starburst candies this year.

- The Belonging Festival will be on Tuesday 04/09.  An initial interest flyer will be sent out to families.

- It was decided that for the Spring fundraiser, we will go back to Scholastic Books and hold a Spring Book Fair.

- 6th Grade Science Camp fundraiser:  Harkins popcorn and Carl’s Jr. coupon booklets will be the fundraising choices for 5th grade students who want to go to Science Camp.

- Dr. Large plans to bring back “Lunch with a Loved One”, in which students can bring a relative to eat lunch with them.  It will be in late April and held over two days, so the grade levels will be divided accordingly.

- Career Day will also be returning to campus.  Parents will speak in the classrooms about their careers, for about 20 minutes.

- Chino Track meet will be on Saturday 04/13 and this year, Mrs. Sandoval will be the coach.  Students from 1st through 6th grade can participate.

- 100th Day of School:  Mrs. Sandoval (and the Kindergarten team) asked PEP Club for a $100 donation to cover costs for the prizes to be handed out that day.

- Hannah H. discussed the problem of trash overflowing after school parties.  It was decided that Dr. Large and teachers will send a reminder on the day before a party, to our custodians to provide extra trash bags for each classroom.

-McTeacher Night will be on Wednesday 02/28.

Next Meeting

Monday, February 5th, 2024

4:30pm, Rhodes Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:43pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary


Date:  Monday, February 05, 2024 | Time 4:34pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Bookery

Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Kelly Kwock, Jonell Fox, Marie Biado, Joanne Aquino,  Jeanette Phillips,Traci Chun, Diane Welch, Chloe Wong, Hoda Aguirre,, Charlie White, Crystal Gibbs, Jennifer Hargrove, Christine Butorac, Karen Lang, Michelle Sandoval, Jessica Shanahen.

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 01/06/24 approved as written.

·         1st motion by Teri H.

·         2nd motion by Jonell F.

Chancellor’s Report – Jennifer Hargrove

(In Dr. Large’s absence, Jennifer H. went over a few items that were discussed during the Staff meeting and were relevant to our PEP meeting):

- The budget for Title I at Rhodes is approximately $218,000.00; this year, around $35,000.00 have been spent so far.  These were the areas for consideration, as far as spending the rest of the funds:  hiring an aide for the lowest grade levels (two classes), hiring a 4th grade classified aide, adding events to be held at the Library during lunch, hiring a P.E. recess aide that would be in charge of organized sports, and a community liaison that would work with our families.

- Dr. Large has spent about $3,000.00 in new books for the Library.

- Teachers who run extra-curricular clubs will be paid.

- Mrs. Brod, the Kindergarten teacher, has left our school.

 Treasurer’s Report

- Bank beginning balance on 12/30/2023:  $60,034.97

- Ending balance on 01/31/2024:  $55,462.88

Open Forum

- Spring Book Fair:  Hoda A. asked for Board members’ feedback on the Literati Book Fair.  There were both, positive and negative opinions.  The teachers liked the different display and books, whereas some parents said the Scholastic Fair brings newer and popular books, which Literati does not have.

- The Scholastic Book Fair is tentatively booked for 04/08 to 04/12.  The only concern was that, on Tues 04/09, Rhodes will have the Belonging Festival on campus from 5:00-7:00pm.  It was agreed that the two events coinciding would actually create more foot traffic for the Book Fair.  The plan is to display cultural books, to promote diversity, like the Belonging Festival does.

- Jennifer H. has collected the donations towards the “Money for Maui” event.

- Teri H. mentioned the need for more PEP members to collect money from envelopes and deposit it.  Kelly K. sent step-by-step instructions with photos on how to make a deposit via GroupMe.

- Red Robin Family Fun Night update:  our families spent $3,843.00 on food and will get back $768.00.

- Someone Special  Dance:  there were a few problems with parents who had not purchased the tickets right away, but instead checked the box on the flyer saying they did.  That caused our ticket count to go up and reach the limit.  We will start printing an “Order number” line on the flyers for the payments made online, to ensure they were actually made.

- Dogs with Dudes (03/12) and Ladies Luau (03/19) will start at 5:00pm on their respective dates.

- PEP Board nominations for 2024-25 will be discussed at our next few meetings and the election will be in May.

- 6th grade Science Camp informational meeting will be on Thursday 03/14, for the 5th graders.

- McTeacher Night will be on Wednesday, 02/28 at the McDonald’s on Central Ave.

 Next Meeting

Monday, March 4th, 2024

4:30pm, Rhodes Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:40pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary


 Date:  Monday, March 04, 2024 | Time 4:38pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Bookery

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Kelly Kwock, Jonell Fox, Joanne Aquino,  Jeanette Phillips, Traci Chun, Diane Welch, Chloe Wong, Hoda Aguirre,, Charlie White, Sarah Sanchez, Anissa Buccola, Sabrina Gonzalez, Ivette Tello, Gina Maldonado, Hannah Hernandez, Lisa Lawrence, Jennifer Hargrove, Karen Lang, Michelle Sandoval, Stephanie Perluss, Jessica Shanahen, Dr. Molly Large.

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 02/05/24 approved as written.

·         1st motion by Teri H.

·         2nd motion by Jonell F.

Chancellor’s Report – Dr. Molly Large

- Dr. Large would like to work with PEP Club members on the school budget, in order to figure out which activities Title I can pay for—software licenses and subscriptions—and which ones PEP Club would have to pay for—Walk Throughs and field trips.  Title I funds will be used in some field trips to offset their cost.

Treasurer’s Report

- Marie B. was absent and the bank statement for February 2024 had not been posted at the time of the meeting.

- Next year, the PEP Club meeting days may have to change to the second week of the month, so the bank statements are available.

(Information post-dated, on 04/02/2024):

- Bank beginning balance on 02/01/2024:  $55,462.88

- Ending balance on 02/29/2024:  $59,374.18

Open Forum

- Dogs with Dudes BBQ update:  199 (one hundred ninety-nine) responses have been received.  Teri asked the PEP member moms, with sons, to volunteer at the BBQ.  There will be games: corn hole, Jenga, giant checkers.

- Instead of PEP Club purchasing helium tanks every time there is an event, Teri H. found a vendor approved by the District that can pick up our 2 tanks for $35 and fill them for $500 each.  There is no expiration date and the tanks will last for a long time.

- Fence cups on the basketball court are scheduled to be put in, on Thursday 03/07 at 1pm.

- March Family Fun Night:  Gina M. mentioned there will not be one in March because of the other events happening—Dogs with Dudes and Ladies’ Luau.  The April FFN will be at Baskin Robbins, on Tuesday 04/23 from 5:00-7:00pm.

- Gina M. also said McDonald’s would like Rhodes to hold McTeacher Night at their location twice a year—one in August, another in February.  The teachers present at today’s meeting will discuss during their Staff meeting if there would be enough teacher volunteers to do so, if they split up into 2 different groups for each night.

- Angels Fundraiser:  Joanne A. introduced a new fundraiser where families can purchase Angels baseball game tickets and $6 would be given back to Rhodes.  It would run from 04/08 to 06/30.  Friday 05/24 would be the designated “Rhodes Night” at 6:30pm.

- PEP Club nominations:  a ballot will go home in mid-April so people can nominate themselves for the 2024-25 Board.

- The budget meeting will be held in April with the Executive members.  Teri H. asked all members present to email her ideas.  She suggested an asset line in the budget for items like the risers in the Student Union, and the University flags.

- A second Paint Night will be held on Friday 04/12.

- Field trips update:  Title I funds will help with the cost of some field trips, like Science Camp.  For Ocean Institute, the students are currently paying $65.00 and the chaperones should not be paying the entry fee to go, which is free.  Karen L. said she enjoyed the 6th grade Skate Express field trip and how their staff was very accommodating to our students.

- Staff Appreciation ideas should be emailed to Teri H.

- There will be a Volunteer Appreciation banquet on Tuesday 04/23 at 1:00pm.

- State Testing kickoff will be on Friday 04/12 with a jump roper at the school assembly.

- Unfortunately, Dr. Large said there will not be a “Lunch with a Loved One” or a “Career Day” this year due to lack of time.

- Jennifer H. mentioned the “Belonging Festival” has about 10 countries signed up so far.

- Hoda A. confirmed that the Scholastic Book Fair is booked for 04/08 to 04/12.  On Tuesday 04/09, the same night as the “Belonging Festival”, it will be open at night for families to shop. 

Next Meeting

Monday, April 8th, 2024

4:30pm, Rhodes Bookery

Meeting was adjourned 5:35pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary


PEP Club General Meeting Minutes

 Date:  Monday, April 08, 2024 | Time 4:34pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Student Union

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Kelly Kwock, Jonell Fox, Marie Biado, Jeanette Phillips, Traci Chun, Diane Welch, Chloe Wong, Hoda Aguirre,, Charlie White, Sarah Sanchez, Ivette Tello,, Lisa Lawrence, Jennifer Hargrove, Karen Lang, Michelle Sandoval, Christine Butorac, Stephanie Perluss, Jessica Shanahen, Dr. Molly Large.

Approval of Minutes

Meeting minutes from 03/04/24 approved as written.

·         1st motion by Jonell F.

·         2nd motion by Teri H.

Chancellor’s Report – Dr. Molly Large

- Dr. Large stated that the Title I funds will be covering software licenses, subscriptions, and Scholastic News.  Field trips will also be supported.  During the School Site Council meeting in May, she will share more details.  PEP would pay for Kindergarten software, like Starfall, which costs $200.00.

Treasurer’s Report

- Bank beginning balance on 03/01/2024:  $59,374.18

- Ending balance on 03/30/2024:  $61,407.15

Open Forum

- Karen Lang mentioned there will be a new fundraiser, called “Penny War”, to pay for 6th Grade Science Camp t-shirts.  It will last one week, from 05/06-05/10.  The winning class will get a pizza party and the 2nd place class will get popsicles.

 - 6th Grade Promotion:  this year the school will be able to use latex balloon for the Promotion arch.  PEP Club will reach out to 5th grade parents for help during the Promotion, with flowers, cupcakes, water and programs.

- Hoda A. reminded the Board that Book Fair started today, and for everyone to sign up for a shift on SignUp Genius.  Once Rhodes sells $3,000.00 or more, it will be able to use the Scholastic Dollars to make book purchases.

- Family Fun Night:  it will be at Baskin Robbins from 12:00-8:00pm.  Teachers will be scooping ice cream from 5:00-7:00pm.

- Belonging Festival:  there will be food samples from booths of 8 (eight) different cultures attending.  Also, the Black History Month Museum will be open at the Student Union for parents to visit.

- Jennifer H. talked about the sound system at the Student Union needing repair.  The wall plate does not communicate with the stage plug-in, and asked for PEP Club to consider fixing it.  The estimate is $800.00 and Marie B. will contact the seller for more details on the warranty.

- Fence cups will be installed on 04/18-04/19 in the afternoon and 04/23 in the morning by Sabrina G.

- PEP is purchasing snacks for CAASPP testing of 3rd through 6th grades.  Members who are available to help sort, are asked to come this Thursday 04/11.

- Open House will be on Tuesday, 05/07 and there will be food trucks coming:  Crazy Dogs, Kona Ice, Popcorn, and Juice It Up.  The nomination ballots have been sent home.  Also, there will be several baskets, put together by each grade level, that will be raffled to those attending.  Raffle tickets will cost $1.

- New ladies’ v-neck t-shirt:  Kelly K. sent 4 (four) pictures of different logos and colors for the Board to vote on.  The winner was #3, a v-neck in charcoal, with a hollow “R” for “Rhodes”. This logo and color could possibly be done in a crew neck model for the male teachers and parents.

- Staff Appreciation:  Teri H. stated this year will be a “Hawaiian” theme with different foods every day of the week, like coffee and donuts, pulled pork sandwiches with Maui chips, etc.  The students will be sending the Professors flowers, notes, snacks, and gift cards during that week.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 – Open House

5:00pm, Rhodes Student Union

Meeting was adjourned 5:51pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary


PEP Club General Meeting Minutes

 Date:  Tuesday, May 07, 2024 | Time 5:00pm |Edwin Rhodes Elementary Student Union

 Meeting called to order by Teri Hargrove, President

In Attendance

Teri Hargrove, Kelly Kwock, Jonell Fox, Marie Biado, Jeanette Phillips, Traci Chun, Joanne Aquino, Diane Welch, Hannah Hernandez, Chloe Wong, Hoda Aguirre, Gina Maldonado, Charlie White, Sarah Sanchez, Anissa Buccola, Ivette Tello, Lisa Lawrence, Stephanie Perluss, Jessica Shanahen, Rachel Halko, Lorena Galvan, Victoria Monterroso, Nicole Salazar and Rhodes parents present.

 Approval of Minutes 

Meeting minutes from 04/08/24 approved as written.

  • 1st motion by Jonell F.

  • 2nd motion by Teri H.

 Treasurer’s Budget Report 

- Marie B. presented a slide show of the 2024-25 school year Budget Report.  It can be found in the Google Drive shared by PEP members, in the folder “Budget Reports 2023-2024” (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jztd5N-LVxW-5J44nUPWecg5pa8R1UsH/edit#slide=id.p1).

- Motion to approve the 2024-2025 Budget:

·         1st motion by Kelly Kwock

·         2nd motion by Gloria Lawrence

Open Forum

- Teri H. introduced the new PEP Board members for the 2024-25 school year:



Teri Hargrove

Vice President

Rachel Halko

VP Finance

Marie Biado

Recording Secretary

Lisa Lawrence

VP Fundraising

Joanne Aquino

VP of Spirit Wear

Traci Chun

VP of Public Relations

Charlene White


Lorena Galvan


Jeanette Phillips


Chloe Wong


Victoria Monterroso


Jessica Shanahan

Dean of University Parents

Hannah Hernandez

Co-Dean of Art Masters

Sarah Sanchez

Co-Dean of Art Masters

Anissa Buccola

Dean of Spiritwear

Nicole Salazar

Co-Dean of Family Fun Nights

Georgina Maldonado

Co-Dean of Family Fun Nights

Stephanie Perluss

Dean of Book Fairs

Hoda Aguirre

Dean of Fundraising

Sabrina Gonzalez

Co-Dean of Outreach/Hospitality

Ivette Tello

Co-Dean of Outreach/Hospitality

Diane Welch

- Changes to the PEP Board roster (members who are leaving):

Vice President:  Jonell Fox

Secretary:  Kelly Kwock

Parliamentarian:  Crystal Gibbs

VP of Spirit Wear:  Jamie Knecht

- All parents present approved the new PEP Board members for the 2024-25 school year.


Meeting was adjourned 5:30pm

Kelly C. Kwock, Secretary
